All the students are expected to come to the university regularly and attend 100% classes. But it is mandatory to attend 75% lectures in each subject throughout the semester. Failing to obtain 75% in a particular term will lead to debar from appearing in internal and external exams.
Attendance Policy
·         The registration of a student will be canceled if he/she is unable to maintain 75% attendance in any subject of theory or practical by the end of the fortnight. He/ She has to seek re-registration within next one day from the display on the notice board, failing which he/she will not be allowed to attend any class. This one day grace period is provided to get him/her re-registered without any loss of attendance.
·         The due benefit of the attendance above the 90% attendance will be given in the form of two marks in the internal assessment.
·         Every student of the class indulging in a mass bunk will lose 3 marks in a subject in which there is a mass bunk.
·         Attendance will be displayed on the notice board at the end of every fortnight by the HOD/Principal on the dates provided in academic calendar.

Some of the Important Points Regarding Attendance

        I.            Attendance will be counted from first day. No benefit will be given to late registered students.
     II.            Student coming late in the class will not be given the attendance (after 5 minutes of schedule start of the class) however they can sit in the class without disturbing the ongoing class.
   III.            Attendance will be counted for the scheduled lectures and tutorials in each theory subjects. Practical/Lab attendance will be counted separately because it is an independent subject.
  IV.            Any mass bunk will be treated as absence, because as per the University norms scheduled lectures form the denominator for computing the percentage of attendance. A student on mass bunk will not only lose the attendance and also lose the 3 marks in the internal assessment of the concerned subject. 
     V.            In case of serious illness during the semester or caught in natural calamity the students must inform in writing to the HOD, giving a specific proof of the illness or natural calamity immediately within three days of attending the classes after illness or calamity. Any application submitted thereafter will not be accepted.

Fortnightly Compilation of Attendance
 Attendance is compiled every fortnight of the semester. If a student is unable to maintain minimum required attendance of 75% in any subject during any fortnight then that student will be detained and shall have to re -register himself/herself.
The student needs to re-register every time he/she falls short of 75% attendance in the fortnight according to the following procedure:

Procedure of Re-registration
        i.            If a student is detained first time in any fortnight, he/she can re-register with the approval of Head of Department after explaining the reason for the shortage in attendance & after giving written undertaking to improve.
      ii.            If a student is detained second time in any fortnight, he/she can re-register with the approval of Director/Principal, only under special circumstances. Application of re-registration will be forwarded by Head of Department along with previous undertaking and attendance record.
    iii.            If a student is detained third time in any fortnight, he/she can re-register with the approval of Dean Academic Affairs on the written request of the parents and on the basis of extra ordinary circumstances giving valid reason for shortage of attendance.
    iv.            After this, re- registration can be done only in rare cases on the written request of the parents under any special circumstances and with the approval of the Vice- Chancellor.
      v.             Re- registration charges will be decided by the university.

Leave Policy
Leave shall be granted by the class counselor on an application written by the student to be submitted to the class counselor. However, such leave shall not provide benefit for attendance.
Medical Leave
If student is hospitalized due to critical illness during the semester then maximum 10% benefit in attendance may be given with due permission from the competent authority. Students availing 1-3days leave on account of viral fever, headache, cough& cold, body pains etc. will not be allowed medical leave.
Duty Leave
If student is participating in extra co-curricular activities like sports, NSS,NCC, cultural activities, seminar, conferences then maximum 10% benefit in attendance may be given with the permission of senior authority. The student who has to be on duty leave must get written permission from the concerned HOD before proceeding on duty leave. They must submit the duty leave slip duly signed by the authorized person within three days of the duty leave after which it will not be accepted.

Note: Benefit of attendance for only one of the medical or duty leave is allowed.