The University genuinely believes that active and effective participation of the students is of paramount importance in policy planning and implementation.  This is because the University wants to create student centric systems and procedures.
Therefore for efficient and effective identification and understanding of concerns of the students a methodical system of appointing CRs is followed. Under the system students can bring forth their concerns regarding class issues to the management through their class representatives.
Roles & Responsibilities of CR
1.      Communicating the departmental/ college directives and information to the students.
2.      Collecting the feedback of difficulties faced by the students and communicating suggestions for improvement.
3.      Coordinating academic events and co- curricular activities including placement drives & pre-placement trainings
4.    Ensuring participation of all the eligible students in placement drives, pre- placement trainings, extra classes etc.

The University acknowledges and responds to students’ opinion through the Feedback Mechanism as it helps to identify critical areas of concern and improve the system so that its efficiency and effectiveness are enhanced. Suggestions and feedback are valuable and highly appreciated as student input helps to find ways to meet their expectations. The students are encouraged to put forward their suggestions and rightful opinions that can make CU a better place.
A robust and structured feedback mechanism helps the student register their suggestions either online (through our website) or offline (through suggestion boxes placed in all Institutes of the University).
Online Feedback
Students provide valuable Feedback every semester, online through a Scientific Software- Feedback Management Information System. Feedback from students is also welcomed through the Website Feedback and Suggestion Boxes. (Students should preferably mention their names so that they can be informed about the progress and for obtaining more details/clarifications etc.; but it is not mandatory) The views of the students are immediately forwarded to the relevant department for effective action.
Offline Feedback
Students can give a written request regarding their concern to the appropriate authority - class counselor, HODs or DSW. The issue shall be discussed with student/s in detail and suitable measures shall be taken with approval from the authorities.

Students can also provide feedback through the suggestion boxes provided in all Academic blocks of the University.