All the students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the University. Breach of any rule/rules or any other misconduct shall be liable for disciplinary action, including expulsion from the university.
1.      University Timings: The classes start at 9:30 am and conclude at 4:15 pm with a 50 minute lunch break during the 4th or 5th period. The students should be punctual and reach the University well before the start of the first period and should straight away move to the class rooms. They should not roam outside the classrooms during class-hours. Strict discipline is to be maintained in and around the corridors, so that, the classes are not disturbed.
2.      Attendance Requirements: All students must attend their classes regularly. The minimum attendance in each subject should not be below 75% of the scheduled lectures; otherwise he/she will not be allowed to appear for the University examinations and will be detained in that subject.
3.      Assignment/ Lab Record submission: The students must submit the assignments given by the class teacher in his/her own handwriting in time. (Zero marks will be awarded to assignments copied from others)
4.      Leave: No student should abstain from the class without prior permission. Leave, if required, must be taken in advance from the respective HOD. Applications for leave on medical grounds should be supported by medical certificates. However, leave of any kind including on medical grounds cannot be accepted as a reason for not completing the attendance requirement. As per University rules, the Dean Academic Affairs (DAA) may condone a maximum of 10% shortage of attendance on medical ground if a student remains admitted to a hospital for more than a week.
5.      Dress Code: To give the students a corporate feel, a dress code has been laid down both for the male and female students. Students are expected to come in the prescribed uniform on every Wednesday. Students not in uniform will be allowed to attend classes without getting attendance benefit.

6.      Wearing of jeans, T-shirts with slogans, kurta-pyjama, chappals etc. is strictly prohibited. In the first instance the defaulters are persuaded to dress properly, which is followed by fine if not adhered to.
7.      Use of Mobile Phones: Students possessing mobile phones must keep them switched off when in classes/labs, otherwise a fine of Rs.500/- can be imposed. Carrying of Mobile Phones even in switched off mode during examinations is strictly prohibited and shall amount to use of unfair means.
8.      Ragging of any student in any form inside or outside campus is a punishable offence as per guidelines of honorable Supreme Court of India with minimum punishment of expulsion from CU.
9.      Disciplinary action, leading even to expulsion from the university will be taken against any student found misbehaving with any other student or staff member.
10.  It will be the responsibility of each student to keep his /her parents or guardians informed about his/her progress in the class. Non-payment of fee can lead to removal of his/her name from the university rolls or any other disciplinary action can be initiated against him/her.
11.  The University will not enter into any correspondence with any person other than the father/guardian, who has signed the student’s application form at the time of admission. It will be the responsibility of the student to keep the University informed about any change in the address of his/her father/guardian.
12.  While undergoing practical training, the students shall abide by the rules of the organization in which they are taking training and shall be subject to the order and disciplinarily rules of such organization.
13.  All kind of demonstrations/strikes are strictly banned and any student found disturbing the decorum may be expelled from the University.
14.  The students are not allowed to walk hand in hand or keep their hands on the shoulders or hands around the waist of fellow student in the campus.
15.  The students are advised to bear a good moral character.
16.  Students must read academic ordinace carefully which are available with the counselors as well as in the library. Ignorance of the rules and regulations of the institutes will not be entertained as excuse at any cost.

17.  Special faculty members will be assigned the job of counseling and guidance to help students in solving their problems and the students are expected to behave in a dignified manner with them.