LIBRARY – Our Temple
Library in any University is considered to be at the heart of all academic activities, it provides material for teaching learning as well as research and forms a platform for innovation. Chandigarh University is endowed with a library which has a very rich collection of has very rich collection of books, periodicals, back volumes of journals and CD/DVDs. The library has installed Open Source Software (OSS) KOHA Library Management Solution & Other software’s like Dspace/Greenstone for automation and digitization of its services.
The library has initiated a modern in –house Digital Library to provide access to the Digital resources like total collection of books, CD/DVD,etc. The other valuables services provided to its users are compilation of bibliographies of books and article indexing of periodicals. Library has maintained a number of databases and has acquired the institutional membership of the British Library from where books and articles are procured on demand of students and teachers.
The book collection ably supports the teaching, research, development and other professional activities of all the departments. Collection of the books include reference books pertaining to various disciplines of Engineering, Applied sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Management, Computer Applications, Pharmacy etc. The Library collection also includes a large section of expensive encyclopedia, reference books and a large number of text books related to the courses running in the University.
The library subscribes to a large number of print journals and more than 6400 e-journals. Beside these, we also have large collection of 98000 e-books, e-newspapers and more than 500 open access journals.

Membership Procedure:
Library membership is open to all bonafide students of the University. To be a member of library, student is required to fill a membership form, provided along with his registration documents. Filled-in form is to be submitted to the library between 9:00 am to 4.30 pm on any working day, in their respective academic block library.
   Book Bank Scheme:
In order to encourage the bright students, all students securing 9.00 or above CGPA are given the facility of taking 4 additional books from the library. The students of 1st Semester with 80% and above marks in the two Term Examinations are given 2 additional books per head. These books can be retained by them throughout the semester.
The entitlement of books for students is as under:-
M.Phil/Ph.D Students               :          4
            Post Graduate                          :           3
            Under Graduate                       :           2
Every Under-graduate student member is issued two Reader’s Tickets and an Identity card. Postgraduate students are given three Reader’s Tickets with Identity Card. The student has to present his membership card at the time of issue of books. On loss of a Reader’s Ticket (RT)/ Identity card a duplicate RT/Identity Card can be obtained from the Librarian by making a written request and depositing Rs. 10/- for RT and Rs. 100/-  for Identity Card.
The RT is not transferable and the student is responsible for any misuse of his/her RT.
Library Timings:
The working of Central Library is as under:
Monday to Friday                    :           9.00 AM to 8.00 PM
Saturday &Sunday                   :           9.00 AM to 4.30 PM
Library rules:
  • Each student will be given 4 library tickets for books/CDs. A maximum of 4 books or 4 CDs will be issued to every student at a time.
  • Library tickets are for the personal use of the students. These must be accompanied by I-cards for issue of books/CDs. Lending of these tickets to others for use is not permissible under any circumstances.
  • Books will be issued for a maximum of 14 days and CDs will be issued for overnight use only.
  • An overdue charge @ Rs.1/- per day will be levied after the expiry of the due date.

  • Reference books and text-books (Copies available at Reference Section), newspapers, magazines and journals will not be issued.
  • Borrowers must check the book(s) being issued and should not accept mutilated book issued without getting the signature of the library staff member at the mutilated place; else they will be responsible for such mutilation.
  • Books having same title will not be issued simultaneously.

  • Student will be fully responsible for loss or misuse of his/her ticket.
  • A book once returned by a student will not be issued to the same student on the same day.
  • A book once issued will be allowed inside the library for return purpose only.
  • No personal belongings like bags, helmets, personal books etc. are allowed inside the library. Student can keep these belongings at property racks.
  • Library user should maintain proper decorum and silence in the library and its vicinity.
  • The librarian may recall any book any time, if required.
  • A sum of Rs.10/- will be charged for the loss of one library ticket. Loss of ticket should be immediately reported to the librarian in writing to check/stop misuse of that ticket. Borrower shall be responsible for loss or misuse of his/her ticket.
  • Double amount will be charged for the loss of book to recover the cost of book & procurement cost.
·         While in the library the students shouldSwitch off or put their mobiles on Silent mode.
  • Do not indulge in tearing off pages of any book/magazine. Marking or dog-earing of the pages of a book is not allowed. Defaulters shall be charged double the cost of the damaged book(s).
  • Leave the book on the reading table after use rather than restoring it on the shelf.
  • Help in keeping your library neat and clean.
  • Make the best use of your library. The library staff members are there to assist you. Cooperate with them, to beget cooperation.
To conduct research and advanced reading, CU libraries have access to e-journals and databases like ASME, IEEE, ASCE and ASCM digital library & Stringer. The libraries give easy access to several web based video courses, prepared by the scholars and faculties of leading institutes of the country. These repositories are directed towards reducing any geographical barriers and ensuring that highly evolved learning environment can flourish under the umbrella of the University. These can be downloaded for studies or research work.
Internet Search Service through E - Library
Providing latest information to its users is the primary responsibility of any modern library. To fulfill this responsibility the CU Library has arranged to provide Internet search access to its users. Library has connectivity with internet lab and provides Wi-Fi campus to its users.
Resource Library

The  class room teaching material including PPTs used by the teachers in the class rooms are made available to the students through their UIMS page as also through the link The students can access this material at all times (24x7).